Air Travel

Travel Services

Air Travel Services

EEG provides you with an experienced in-house staff of certified travel agents who are focused solely on your event. Our team rapidly responds to changes and provides your attendees with information as soon as it’s available. We also negotiate optimal airline blocks and the most cost-effective airfares and hotel rooms. Our air and concierge travel services offer a high-touch, concierge-style experience for your attendees and VIPs.

Our Air Travel Services include:

  • Concierge Air Services
  • Airfare Analysis Reports
  • Oversee Booking/Ticketing Processes
  • Attendee Communications
  • Seat Assignments and Boarding Passes
  • Corporate Risk and Compliance
  • Special Meal Requests
  • Coordinate Travel Extensions
  • Itinerary Approval Process with Attendees
  • VIP Travel Services
  • Charter Flights
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